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SAMPLE Signature Trade Show Display DESIGNS

trade show display design samples | Pinnacle DisplaysThe sample Signature® trade show display booth designs shown below range from simple to complex, and are intended to give you some ideas of the wide range of possibilities open to you with our Signature trade show display booth's custom graphic panels. Keep in mind that you can create any design you want.

We generally recommend that the best trade show display designs are often the simpler ones... your display design should say who you are and what you do, and what makes you better than your competition. Remember that at the typical trade show, you will be competing with hundreds of other booths. You need to get peoples attention and quickly and simply communicate your marketing message. We recommend you keep the "fine print" for your brochures and your sales pitch. If you want a simple summary of what we think makes a trade show display effective, we invite you to review our Tips for Creating Effective Trade Show Exhibit Graphics.

Click here to download a design template for the Signature display, and to get specific design instructions on How to Design Your Signature Display's Graphic Panels


sample 1

sample 2

trade show display booth design idea tip:
Keep It Simple! Your display design should be simple to understand and should clearly and quickly communicate your main marketing message. Keep your text concise and to a minimum. Don't write a novel. Your display design should draw prospects into your trade show booth but then it is your job to provide additional information and answer questions.

sample 3

sample 4

trade show booth display design idea tip:
Make a spectacle of yourself! If possible and appropriate, use bright colors and big, striking, impressive images to make sure you catch the attention of people walking by. Often it is better to use one big bold image instead of a lot of small images, but it can, of course, depend on the purpose of your display.

sample 5

sample 6

tradeshow display design idea tip:
Put yourself in your prospects' shoes! Your trade show design should communicate the benefits and advantages that you provide to your customers. Show and/or explain to people how you can help them and/or make their lives easier.

sample 7

sample 8

tradeshow booth design idea tip:
Don't forget the basics! At a minimum, your trade show exhibit booth design should communicate WHO you are, WHAT you do, and WHAT makes you unique (and better) compared to your competitors.

sample 9

sample 10

How to Design Your Signature Display's Graphic Panels

Redefining portable trade show displays.

Signature® is a registered trademark of Pinnacle Displays, Inc.